Thursday, March 06, 2003

Ok Boys & Girls. Saturday night is almost here. CZW's return to Swanson Street. A packed card & a big announcement from Zandig. If you are at all interested in the Wrestling Scene in Philadelphia, your ass should be there. Let's take a look see at the card. I'll attack this in no particular order.

Let's start with Corey Kastle's first big match. This kid has been showing promise in the battle royals and brief run-ins that I have seen him do. He was trained by Jon Dahmer, a big point in his favor. He'll also be teaming with him in this match. Jon may not be the master showman when it comes to mic work, but the one thing that Dahmer does know, and do incredibly well, is wrestle. Jon is one of the workhorses of the company.No flashy showmanship for Jon, but some major league power moves and one of the toughest damn chops in the company. If Kastle has picked up half of what Jon has taught him (and it appears that he has), this could be the start of another great tag team run for Dahmer and a great debut for Kastle.

Blade & Kasmere. What can I say. Old feuds never die. There's bad blood here and some of it might get spilled on the canvas. Blade has made a major return here to CZW and each match appears to get more into the swing of things back here at his home base. And how about Kashmere? After an early run as part of one of the funniest tag-teams in wrestling, he revamped his style and came on strong as part of The Backseats. Kashmere always used to say to me that he had to pump it up and earn the respect of the fans. Well Johnny, I think you done got there. There is no disgrace in anything I've seen in that ring lately and I think Blade just might well be in for the fight of his life - especially with baseball bats being legal.

How about the other half of The Backseats? Trent Acid versus Mondo. A high fliers dream. We've also seen Mondo do the hardcore extreme sick shit like thumbtacks & lighttubes but don't forget that this boy can fly. And unless Trent somehow gets lured into changing his style, that's exactly what Mondo is going to have to do. This match should be fast paced & I'm expecting it to be one of the hilights of the evening.

Then there's our friends over at Three's Company. Ruckus, Cash & Sonjay. This time it's Ruckus against Cash with Sonjay doing the referee honors. The battle amongst these three has become its own mini Best of the Best as each man tries to prove that he deserves to be that bright star in the CZW world of Junior Heavyweights. All three have the skills. No denying that. But will Cash's cockiness & ego get the best of him? One thing is for sure, Sonjay and Ruckus aren't about to forget the screwing that Cash gave them when he was the man in charge of the three count. this could get very interesting.

H8 Club vs Hi-V. The powerhouse of Nate & Nicky against the skills of B-Boy & Messiah. there is no doubt that Nicky & Nate are two of the stiffest competitors in CZW. If you value your head, stay away from Nate's clothesline or Nicky's boot. We all know Messiah can take a beating and get down & dirty with the best of them, but how about B-Boy? Is he ready for the raw brute force they call the H8 Club. Saturday night we'll find out.

And of course the other matches on the card look strong as well. And we top it off with the 9 man Elimination for a spot in Best of the Best. The previous tow Best of the Bests have been viewed by the wrestling world as one of the top tournaments around in the Independents. One can only imagine the sense of pride one must have to be chosen to be in it. And these nine men get the opportunity to move into one of those spots. The pressure has to be tremendous. And their performances will have to be top notch.And when the dust settles, there will be one more proud man in the bunch. For he will know that he earned his spot at The Best of The Best.

Will Zandig's announcement top all of this? It's a difficult task but I never count John Zandig out. Just when you think he can't top everything that came before, he'll pull a major announcement out of his hat. Do I know what that announcemeent will be? Hell no but you can bet your ass i'll be right there to hear it. And if you are any kind of wrestling fan, you will be to. I'll see you Saturday Night at 7:00 on Swanson Street.

Monday, March 03, 2003

I'm back!! Well the snow is melting but there is still enough of that wonderful dirty grey frozen shit outside to fall and bust your ass. Which I did this morning. Yes, you guys from CZW who read this & know me, The Bloodhound took an ass bump although not in the ring. It gives me a new appreciation of what you go thru not to mention a black and blue spot the size of Philadelphia on my right ass cheek. But, anyway, on to wrestling.

So CZW returns to Swanson Street this Saturday. Seems from what I heard, XPW was getting just a bit too ambitious with their plans for renovations. Rumor is there were plans to set up storage facilities for some of Extreme Associates video product. Perhaps "Sleazy Sluts of the Squared Circle", " Touch My Tight & Tiny Turnbuckle" or some similar ilk. Who knows, who cares. As drunk and rowdy as a Mummer's New Year Brigade can get, they still have a sense of family values and I doubt very much that the Viking New Year Brigade wanted to be associated with a warehouse full of Porn tapes. Plus it seems XPW didn't read in their lease terms about not having concerts at the building and decided to have them before their last few shows. So the lease was revoked. And the stage was set for CZW's return Saturday night. Is this a good thing. Well, The Bloodhound has mixed feelings. There were certain things I liked about Passyunk Avenue. I liked the CZW cam set up. When the match spilled out to the floor, I didn't have to guess from the sound what was happening. I merely had to look at the screen on the wall. Can't see this happening at Swanson Street without some major renovations but I guess I'll keep my fingers crossed. The second thing is harder to explain. You had to be there at the begining with CZW in Mantua to understand it. Passyunk Avenue had the same feel as Mantua. It was a good feeling. It felt like coming home. Hard to explain but I know some of the other guys who were there at the begining felt it too. Will that feeling ever come at Swanson Street? Maybe but I think it's still going to be haunted by the ghosts of ECW for a long time. But on the other hand, the return to Swanson Street means that money that would have been used for renovations can be used to help bring in more talent and add to a list of great talent thats already here. A larger building & more known location also means the ability to bring in more fans. And of course more fans means more money once again allowing for expansion. So I have to say that I understand the decision but I'm still divided on how I like it.

Saturday's show looks to be dynamite with an outstanding array of matches featuring CZW talent plus a mini Best of the Rest contest as a lead-in to the Best of the Best that looks incredible. Any two of the people on this tournament coming in would be an outstanding coup for Zandig but to have all them coming in for just this one card puts CZW right at the top. I know many people were disappointed in the last show. And to a certain extent, rightfully so though some of what I read was absolutely ridiculous - talk to some of the people like Bob Magee, his brother Sarge & myself and we can tell you about some really horrendous shows. (Does anyone remember Ed the Razor or The Mummy in a failing shopping mart in Clementon? How about the Soumali Warrior? But I digress.) My point is I've never known Zandig to present two bad shows in a row. I know he met with his locker room after the last show to discuss what went wrong and what they needed to do for this show. I have confidence that this will be a good strong show. I know I'll be there and I hope you will too.

I attempted to watch the WWE again. I just can't do it. Vince's material is getting so insulting and in such bad taste that it even makes some of Dennis Corraluzo's worst bad taste routines (Ric Rachet having Tommy Fierro's bowling pin stuck up his ass crack comes to mind as one of them) look minor league. Family entertainment? Maybe for the most dysfunctional family in America. And am I the only one who wonders why in God's name we have to see Hulk Hogan yet again? Maybe Vince knows something we don't. I sure as hell can't figure it out.

Oh well that's enough for now. I'll be back later this week with a more in-depth look at saturday's CZW card & some more random ramblings from The Kennel. Until then, this is The Bloodhound howlin' & prowlin'.