Thursday, September 18, 2003

I told you I'd be back. People asked me what I thought of the show. Well, I saw some decent preliminary matches in the quest for the Ironman title. Sonjay Dutt, who I think just seems to be getting better everytime I see him seemed off in his timing but what the hell, we're all entitled to a bad night. Was looking forward to seeing Mafia again but circumstances intervened. The crowd seemed happy with his replacement though I'd have been happier to see his driving partner work instead.The show was moving along quite well and then things went to hell. What do I mean? Let's start the shit.

First things first. Last saturday night at the CZW Arena, there seemed to be two burning issues surrounding Trent Acid. First: Did he threaten to "drop his smile" before the final Ironman match unless he took the Ironman title and two: (at least among the rats gathered at ringside) would he drop his pants with the them after the match and give them a smile. Well, more likely we'll know more for sure about the second (at least if & when the itching & burning shows up) then we will about the first. When the delay went down before the final round of the Ironman contest and several key players in the CZW organization were seen hustling back to the locker room, everyone knew something was up. As it became more & more obvious that they were stalling for time, Robbie made his statement about having a situation. By now, word was leaking out of the dressing room that Trent was pulling a Triple H & refusing to do the job. When they came to the ring, everyone watched waiting to see when the bullshit would go down. Well as you have heard by now, Trent amazingly scored the most pinfalls with just seconds left in the match to win the Ironman Title. And the crowd began to turn hostile. So are the rumors true? Did Trent refuse to do the job? Or is this one big work? Let me first state that it doesn't say much for Trent's reputation that so many people are buying that he refused to do the job without question. Says a lot about a large majority of the fans opinion of him. What do I think? The night of the show I have to admit that I too bought into the rumor. But now as I sit & think about it, I'm not so sure. It almost seems like the airing of CZW's dirty laundry was too obvious. Way too much seemed to be made a public scene that night. So perhaps it is a work. Maybe Trent is working us even better than he works the rats at ringside. And if he is, then I give him his due for one hell of a work. And I also give him a jar of Blue ointment for that burning & itching problem. Perhaps he can share with Little Mondo.

In case you didn't notice, Little Mondo has new rats. And the old rats looked none to pleased about it. A few of us were taking bets when the 'rat' fight would break out. But you have to give Little Mondo credit. He's only trying to further his education. That's why he chose the schoolgirls with the white knee socks and uniform blouses I'm sure. Of couse they also had chains looped across their skirts & hanging over their asses. Maybe Mondo was looking for a different kind of education. And we all know a woman with chains sure as shit can teach you some new lessons. Maybe Little Mondo won't be so "little" anymore. Either that or we'll find him trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey behind the building after the next card. That's the chance you take when you play with women in chains. Best of luck to you son. Hope you made the right choice.

Then of course there was the end of the night. The "unsanctioned' match between Zandig & Messiah. At least I think it was a match. Since the entire match until the finale took place backstage, who knows. One thing is for sure. It made an already hostile crowd even more hostile. And then the conclusion. John Zandig doing his best Richard Harris imitation. Streaming blood, fishhooks thru his back. Little big to be called just Horse, perhaps Man Called Clydesdale? Looks of confusion on many of the faces. They came to see a wrestling match, not a suspension. I'm sure somehow on some piece of paper this looked like a good idea. And maybe just maybe, Zandig will find a way to make it work. I think he took a big gamble. It got him publicity if that's what he wanted. But perhaps the timing might have been better. After the shit that just went down in Delaware and the current uneasy climate across the area about the amount of violence in wrestling, was it really the right time? Maybe there's a storyline here. Maybe there will be reasons explained in the future. But for now there's just pictures. Pictures of a man covered in blood, fishhooks thru his back, hanging from the ceiling. The internet is a powerful tool. And that picture is out all over the internet. They say a picture says a thousand words. But without a proper explanation, perhaps those words are the wrong ones. Zandig made his choice. He had the balls to take a chance. Let's hope that choice doesn't come back to bite him in the ass.

That's it for now. I'll be back next week to raise a little more hell. What'll I talk about. Who knows? I'll find something. There's a lot of shit out there in the wrestling world and somebody needs to piss on it. So for now, this is The Bloodhound howlin' & prowlin. See you at the matches.